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Broadview Animal Clinic


We recommend puppy and kitten vaccinations start at 6-8 weeks of age and monthly until 4 months. It is important for your puppy or kitten to receive these vaccines as well as booster. The combination of vaccines help fight off a number of viruses as well as bacterial infections that can cause serious harm to your new friend. Once they have received all rounds of their puppy and kitten vaccines, adult vaccines are administered yearly.

Canine Vaccine Information

DA2PPL - Distemper, Adenovirus, Parainfluenza, Parvovirus, and Leptospirosis

  • Distemper Virus

    • A very contagious and often fatal disease of the respiratory tract, gastrointestinal tract, and nervous system. Transmission is by direct contact with bodily secretions and by movement of airborne secretions. Puppies are at the highest risk but dogs of all ages, especially with inadequate vaccination, are susceptible.

  • Canine Adenovirus type 2

    • Associated with Canine infectious hepatitis and one cause of infectious tracheobronchitis. This virus is spread through respiratory secretions, urine and feces. Young dogs are the most susceptible.

  • Parainfluenza

    • A common and highly contagious cause of infectious tracheobronchitis that is transmitted through the air. Dogs of all ages are susceptible, with not vaccinated or inadequately vaccinated dogs being at the highest risk.

  • Parvovirus

    • Parvovirus is a highly contagious, very aggressive and sometimes rapidly fatal gastrointestinal virus. Transmission is by direct contact with infected animals, feces, and objects containing virus particles. The virus can survive in the environment for an extended period of time and can spread easily from contaminated surfaces. All not vaccinated or inadequately vaccinated dogs are susceptible with very young, sick, or weak dogs at the highest risk of death.

  • Leptospirosis

    • Leptospirosis is a bacterial disease that can be found in most animals, including livestock and wildlife. The bacteria are passed via the urine into water sources, where they can reside. Your dog can become infected with Leptospira by drinking, swimming in or walking through contaminated water. Bacteria can enter the bloodstream through a cut in the skin or through mucus membranes (such as eyes, nose or mouth). The bacteria can infect pets, wildlife and people. The bacteria can survive for long periods of time in water, wet soil and infected urine.

Puppy Vaccine Prices

  • 1st set (8 weeks) DA2PP & Dewormer - $64.50

  • 2nd set (12 weeks) DA2PPL & Dewormer - $64.50

  • 3rd set (16 weeks) DA2PPL & Rabies 1 year - $72.00

Feline Vaccine Information

FVRCP- Feline Rhinotracheitis Virus, Calicivirus, Panleukopenia

  • Feline Rhinotracheitis Virus

    • A viral infectious respiratory disease caused by feline Herpes Virus Type 1. This virus is an extremely common cause of respiratory disease and often results in chronic, often life-long, infection with intermittent recurrences causing respiratory and possible eye disease. It is spread easily through airborne respiratory secretions and direct contact with a carrier cat or contaminated objects. Cats that are not vaccinated are the most susceptible in addition to cats that are young or elderly.

  • Calicivirus

    • A common viral infectious respiratory disease that can also cause mouth sores resulting in severe oral pain. Calicivirus is spread by direct contact with an infected cat or by contact with contaminated objects. The virus is extremely resistant to disinfectants and persists in a sterile environment.

    • Cats that are not vaccinated are the most susceptible in addition to cats that are young or elderly.

  • Panleukopenia

    • A severe, highly infectious, and sometimes fatal disease of the gastrointestinal tract, the immune system, and the nervous system. The disease is named for the characteristic severe decrease in white blood cells, which are the body's defense against disease. The Panleukopenia Virus is very persistent in a sterile environment. This virus spreads by direct contact with infected cats or by contact with viral particles in the environment.

    • Cats that are not vaccinated are the most susceptible in addition to cats that are young or elderly.

Kitten Vaccine Prices

  • 1st set (8 weeks) - FVRCP & Dewormer - $45.00

  • 2nd set (12 weeks) FVRCP, Leukemia, and Dewormer - $76.50

  • 3rd set (16 weeks) FVRCP, Leukemia, and Rabies 1 year - $90.00